
We believe that where there is a conversation, there is learning. Hook your coworkers on learning.

Better participation and retention!

By introducing LearningLab your learning program can improve retention up to 46%, increase participation 90-100% and raise coworker satisfaction 21%.

Why use LearningLab®?

  • Attractive, simple and interactive design. Share with just one click!
  • Multidevice: continuous learning at any place, any time
  • Participants are ranked using a system of points that rewards the consumption of objects and participation
  • Socializes learning with a continuous interaction through comments, videos and audios of success stories and errors
  • Enriches the program content through knowledge contributed by all participants
  • Our social learning platform allows an enjoyable collaboration that can be parameterized to your organization
  • The platform is developed in stages or modules to favor continuous learning over a period of time
  • Users create their profile where they can monitor their achievements and missions completed
  • All actions generate points that rank the participants, fomenting participation. Other users can visit the profile to learn more about their coworkers

Join them!

Through our platform individual and collective learning continues outside of the classroom, creating a shared environment of training objectives that assure a constant conversation and crossed learning by the participants through an attractive "gaming" system of points and achievements earned.

Achieve a high-impact learning experience with this platform, combining face to face sessions with diverse virtual training objects such as videos, audios, infograms, micro-learning capsules, readings, cases, quizzes, etc.

Are you ready to transform human capital in your organization?

Call one of our consultants to start now!

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